After a year of cutting, welding, galvanising and assembly, I finally have the portable rails going into use.

In total there are approximately 1.5 kilometers of rails to place into the various growing areas of the nursery including the new Clivia collection igloo and soon to be commenced collection shade house.

The images show (main) a stock pile of finished 6 meter frames waiting in a paddock for installation, and (minor images) various locations showing the installation within the growing areas including the full sun pad which has 12 x 6 meter sections.

The construction allows for the joining of multiple lengths to suit applications for instance the new shade house (not shown) has two rows of 4 x 6 meter sections pinned in line to take 20 sliding trays each.

As shown in a previous blog, here is an image of the assembled 6 meter length with bracing in position and sliding tray in place. The rails when commissioned will support a total of 1012 trays each 1.2 m x 1.8 m.